Pursuant to the Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries and supporting legislation, the Great Lakes Fishery Commission is funded by both the United States and Canadian federal governments. For implementation of the Sea Lamprey Control Program, the United States and Canada contribute 69 percent and 31 percent of the commission's budget, respectively. To support the commission's research efforts, committee structure, communications program, and other matters undertaken at the secretariat office, both the United States and Canada contribute equal amounts.

Trust Fund
In 1996 the Great Lakes Fishery Commission approved establishment of trust funds in Canada and the United States. The purpose of the funds is to provide enhanced support for sea lamprey control and fishery research programs, the same reasons for which the commission was formed. The funds enable interested parties to make tax deductible contributions in accordance with tax regulations in each country. The U.S. registered fund is a charitable trust under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. The Canadian registered fund is a charitable organization under paragraph 149(1)(f) of the Income Tax Act.
Donate: Those wishing to make donations to the Canadian or U.S. Great Lakes Fishery Commission Trust may contact:
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Trust2200 Commonwealth Blvd., Suite 100
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2957
Tel: 734-662-3209
Cash contributions in the form of checks should be made payable to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Trust.
Trustees: The Board of Trustees is comprised of current commissioners of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission and two secretariat members, the Executive Secretary and Director of Corporate Services.