FishPass Updates

Updated August, 2024

Dear partners and stakeholders:

On behalf of the FishPass team, I am pleased to provide an update from June-July 2024. Future updates will be provided monthly.

NOTE: A time-lapse camera has now been installed to capture FishPass construction progress. Check it out here.


  • The contractor mobilized the crane on site and installed a temporary dock on the upstream side of the dam. Vibration and settlement monitors were closely observed during initial sheet pile installations for the temporary dock. The contractor also began installation of a barge upstream of the dam that will be used to support the crane and sheeting during installation of the upstream sheet pile cofferdam (See Figures 1&2).
  • 05 August 2024 – A dry run of the Emergency Action Plan with emergency services was held.
  • Week of August 26, 2024 – Delivery of steel sheet pile currently stored on City lot on Airport Access Road started and installation of the upstream cofferdam began.
    • Material deliveries on site will require semi-trailers to pull into 6th Street and back into the Lot J entrance. Temporary traffic control will be provided (e.g., flaggers).


  • 08 August – Senator Peter's motorcycle tour of Michigan made a stop at FishPass.
  • 08 August – Dan Zielinski (Great Lakes Fishery Commission; GLFC) presented on FishPass at the Trout Unlimited – Adams Chapter General Membership Meeting.
  • 14 August – Project team members from the GLFC, Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, and The City of Traverse City provided a tour and overview of the FishPass and Boardman River Restoration projects to students at the Au Sable Institute.
  • 22 August – Andrew Muir and Marc Gaden provided a FishPass briefing to Teresa Seidel, Director, Great Lakes National Program Office, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


  • FishPass researchers will be presenting on FishPass related research at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society 15-19 September 2024.

In the News:

Diagram titled 'Construction Staging – Phase 1' showing a construction site plan with three key steps labeled:
1. Install temporary sheet piling, highlighted in the diagram.
2. Pass water through the main spillway, indicated by a blue arrow pointing towards the water passage.
3. Construct a new nature-like channel and labyrinth spillway, highlighted in red within the outlined area.

The diagram includes detailed technical drawings of the site and is labeled with contractor and staging area information. The image is produced by AECOM, with additional annotations for construction activities.

Figure 1. Phase 1 steel sheet pile cofferdam plans. Black line indicates the approximate location of the sheet pile wall.

Aerial view of a construction site by a river, showing a containment boom across the water, construction materials and equipment along the shoreline, and a partially built structure near the water's edge. In the background, there are trees, buildings, and a parking area. A small boat is docked near the right edge of the water. The image includes weather information in the top right corner, reporting a temperature of 63°F, wind speed of 6.9 mph, and a few clouds in the sky.

Figure 2. Image capture from the FishPass time-lapse camera: September 04, 2024 – 9:51 AM

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